About two months ago...

Sometime in late 2014, on a Saturday morning, I found myself walking around the house quietly singing a song to myself. I didn't think much of it until my wife turned to me and said "You know, it's been a real adventure the past 15 years to discover what song you're going to sing to yourself every morning."

I protested that it didn't happen nearly that often, but she assured me that most mornings, I had some tune or another stuck in my head, and they rarely repeated.

So, I decided to do a daily blog post about the song I have in my head each day, just to see where it leads.


A Man Has Dreams...

It just so happens that we'll be starting on a bit of a down note, as we hear Bert help Mr. Banks come to a realization that his kids lives are passing right before his eyes, and he's missing it.

It's something I worry about a lot, working as much as I do, so this one isn't unusual for me to wake up with - especially if the kids were already in bed by the time I got home from work the night before.

Listen to it on Spotify

or watch it on YouTube:

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