About two months ago...

Sometime in late 2014, on a Saturday morning, I found myself walking around the house quietly singing a song to myself. I didn't think much of it until my wife turned to me and said "You know, it's been a real adventure the past 15 years to discover what song you're going to sing to yourself every morning."

I protested that it didn't happen nearly that often, but she assured me that most mornings, I had some tune or another stuck in my head, and they rarely repeated.

So, I decided to do a daily blog post about the song I have in my head each day, just to see where it leads.


(Overdue #7: 2015-05-11) One boy, one girl...

two hearts beating wildly. To put it mildly, it was love at first sight.

This is one my wife taught me to appreciate. I really enjoy the way the chorus takes a little twist right there at the end; the meaning becoming so much more. This is a thing I notice a lot more in country music than in most other kinds of music, and I expect that (now that I've called it out here) some of those other songs will leak into my brain in the coming mornings.

Listen to it on on Spotify.

Watch it on YouTube:

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